Early disseminated infection (1 to 4 months)
If Lyme disease is not detected and treated while early symptoms are present, or if you do not have early symptoms that trigger the need for treatment, the infection may affect the skin, joints, nervous system, and heart within weeks to months after the initial infection.

Symptoms at this stage may include:
-Being tired.
-Additional skin rashes in several places on your body that develop as the infection spreads.
-Pain, weakness, or numbness in the arms or legs.
-Inability to control the muscles of the face (paralysis of the facial nerves).
-Recurring headaches or fainting.
-Poor memory and reduced ability to concentrate.
-Conjunctivitis (pinkeye) or sometimes damage to deep tissue in the eyes.
-Occasional rapid heartbeats (palpitations) or, in rare cases, serious heart problems.
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