Stage 2
Stage 2 usually occurs within weeks after infection. About 50% of patients will encounter numerous rashes throughout the body that are similar to the erythema migrans. Sometimes there is blistering that occurs. Fever, swollen lymph nodes, and nausea and vomiting may occur, as well as an enlarged spleen. Severe headaches are not uncommon. Some dizziness, as well as emotional changes, perhaps insomnia, may occur, as well as muscle aches and pains, and joint pain. During this phase, it is not uncommon for Lyme Disease to be confused with a generalized virus. Heart problems develop in only about 4-7% of patients with untreated Lyme, and the onset of that usually ranges from 3-21 weeks. In approximately 60% of untreated individuals with Lyme Disease, arthritis develops after approximately 4 weeks, and can be delayed up to 2 years. It is very common to have pain and enlarged joints. This may be one, or multiple joints. In this stage, antibiotics have been successfully used in treatment.
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