Warrior: Josie Gaffney stays hopeful in the face of Lyme disease, arthritis
In 2008, Josie Gaffney of Upper Allen Twp. was a gymnast, a cheerleader, a soccer player and a ballerina. But everything changed that April when she was bitten by a deer tick.

Today, Josie, 14, is in a wheelchair and deals daily with the effects of Lyme disease. Shortly after her diagnosis, Josie also began showing signs of arthritis. Within five months, most of her joints from the neck down were affected by juvenile rheumatory arthritis.

"I was sad and worried because I wasn't sure what was gonna happen," Josie said. "I was afraid how it would affect my life, but my friends and family helped me through it."

Josie attends water therapy three times a week and said she does the best she can to get stretched out, which is where her gymnastics background comes in handy. "Before we could do anything we had to stretch in gymnastics and so I know when I'm trying to stretch if I'm pushing too hard. ... I know when to stop."

No matter how long it takes, Josie's goal is to rid herself of the wheelchair and walk again.

"Sometimes it feels like I won't be able to walk again. It's painful. But I know something is going to come out of it and that everything happens for a reason," she said.

Josie's mom, Lisa Gaffney, said they've always kept everything positive. She said it's hard to say whether the Lyme disease caused the arthritis. "Some say it did, some say it didn't. All we can do is treat both without making one more severe than the other."

But through all the treatments and pain, Gaffney has been impressed with Josie's attitude, "My daughter has taught me to find my inner strength. And peace and patience, which she shows to everyone."

Eventually, Josie hopes to put her experience to use helping other children with similar problems. Gaffney said Josie is already working hard to bring awareness to Lyme disease.

"You don't give up because something doesn't happen. Something good will come out of it sooner or later," she said.

Related topics: arthritis, health, josie gaffney, lyme disease
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